Lesson Program
Our lesson program comes in different levels and price points. We have 3 different levels to choose from which are "The Buckaroo" "The Hobbyist" & "Being a Pro".
The Buckaroo Program is for ages 4 to 8 years old. It starts them off with brushing the horse and getting used to being around them and on their backs. It's one lesson a week which can be paid one at a time or for a full month, Each lesson last between 30 to 45 min. - $35.00 Each or $100 Per month
The Hobbyist Program is for anyone over the age of 8 that wants to really get into learning more about the horses and getting ready to compete if they want. These lessons can be once or twice a week as well as paid for a full month, Each lesson is an hour long. $50 Each or $145 Per month 1x week or $260 per month 2x week
Being a Pro Program is for those that are ready to compete and want to hone in there skills. This program is for all ages, as we've seen some kids even want to do this. You can do as many lessons a week or month as you like, Each lesson is an hour long. $65 Each or Multi lesson discount
We don't like having groups larger then 3 as it makes it harder for the person taking the lesson to get any attention on issues they might have.
Riding for the Disabled
We provide riding programs for the disabled. These programs are focused around stretching on the horse and balance. We work with achievements like catching a ball and tossing rings. We want to help provide the opportunity that these children need.
We do not have the ability to mount Wheelchair bound children on our horses as of yet.
Our Disabled program runs on Sundays.
Winter Hours (First Class 11AM ~~ Second Class 1PM)
Summer Hours (First Class 9AM ~~ Second Class 10:30AM)

Meet the Lesson Horses

This wonderful Cremello mare is used for more of our advanced riders. Ones that have a bit more understanding on how to control the horse's feet.
We're pleased to have frost with us now. She has a great get up and go personality. She wants to do something and she wants to do it now. She is great for the ones wanting to do the Hobbyist or the Being a Pro. She stands 14.3 hands at the withers which makes her easy to mount from the ground for those that want to.
Frost's Likes: This mare loves being groomed and loved on, she loves carrots and horse cookies for her treats.

Sugar - On a Break
This beautiful Palomino mare is a true beginners horse. She will take the little ones around and do everything they ask. She has a very willing personality and loves human interaction. She's our go to horse for anyone's first time out or those that want to go on a trail ride. Sugar is one of those few horses we can use for any type or level of rider.
Sugar Likes: She loves to be groomed and brushed. Stroking her neck makes her fall asleep. She also really loves Carrots and peppermints.

Ruin is a 15.2 hand Perlino Quarter Horse. She is one that likes to keep you on your toe's. Great for the little bit more experienced beginners and up, she'll do barrels, poles, flat work, a little bit of everything. Ruin can teach you anything you'd like to know, she isn't lazy but she's not hyper. She will give you the energy you ask for without going overboard.
She is meant for some of our "larger" riders as she is very heavy set and thick muscled.
Ruin Likes: This girl loves people and loves being groomed. She will also take a carrot and any type of horse cookie you might have. She's not picky.